Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy birthday to me~

well sorry for the inactivity if your reading this caps but I can't go on because I'm having troubled with computer problems so hopefully I will try to refurbish my computer ASAP. So anyways of course I am 15 years old now and I had earned 315$ and I iPhone 4s. C: so I have been doing life shit and try not to freak out because I have no laptop or any electronics except for my iPhone hehe. Life is great. But I really wish I can go back on latale and celebrate my birthday here with the people I would fe comfortable online and NO PUNCHING ME 15 TIMES AND ONE EXTRA FOR GOOD LUCK. Got a bruise today but the brigt Side I know how to play big 2 . Lol for years ive been watching people play and now I know~ But I reAlly need catching up on latale. if somethings don't make sense sorry it's the autocorrect. Anyways happy birthday to me I'm 15 yay c:


  1. Happy Birthday Sym~! Come by LaTale for a birthday greeting c;. We miss you, hope you're doing well in school!

    1. I wish I can but I'm laptoess.. And cable less so I may be on next week for my computer to be fixed c:
